At Giftpop Ltd (Gift Pop), we recognise that privacy and security is a major concern. We have therefore set out below the guidelines we use for protecting your personal information. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and check it periodically since it may change from time to time.

We are committed to safeguarding your privacy online. We will only collect, store and use your personal information for specific purposes. We use your personal information to support and enhance our relationship with you. We only share your personal information in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and other applicable laws. You may contact Gift Pop at any time with any privacy questions or concerns and to see the personal information you have given us and request correction.

Your use of the Gift Pop website and any disclosure of personal information via the website signifies your consent to us collecting and using personal information about you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

When you as a customer register to purchase products on we ask for information such as your name, e-mail address, postal address, and contact details. Gift Pop then keeps a record of this information.

We keep a record of any purchase/s you make so we can help to deal with any queries or problems you may have, and also so we can ensure that any information that we send to you is relevant.

We keep a record of any e-mail correspondence you send us, so we can track any problems or concerns you've had with any of the partners' stores on our website.

If you contact Gift Pop by telephone we may record, store and use that call for future training or business purposes. This includes, without limitation, use for the purpose of dispute resolution and/or complaints management.

We'll also ask you questions at registration, and from time to time by email, that will give us information that will be used to improve your experience of shopping with Gift Pop. You do not have to answer these questions, but if you do we can communicate with you in a more relevant way.

If you would like to revise the information you have provided to us because you feel that what we currently have on record is incorrect, and/or you would like your information erased from our records, you can so do by contacting us here:

All the information we collect via our website or through correspondence (including telephone calls) with you is used to operate and improve the service we offer you and to personalise our service. We are committed to using your personal information only for:

  1. Passing on your orders to our chosen partner(s) and the group gifting application provider so they can supply goods and services to you and for customer administration. Our partners may use subcontractors to process and provide your orders to you. Any such subcontractors are subject to the same contractual obligations as our partners in respect of your personal information.
  2. Planning and managing Gift Pop's business activities, including analysis of customers' shopping habits, success of advertisements and push notifications and product and style preferences of our customers.
  3. Technical administration of our website.
  4. Research.
  5. Providing you with information about the services we offer.
  6. Letting you know about offers and news from
  7. Letting you know about offers, news and products from partners.
  8. We may make your name and email address available to companies in order to advertise and market our services to you through other platforms on the internet (e.g. Facebook).
  9. To verify details of your payment method or credit card account.
  10. Passing on details of your order (but not payment details) and personal information where you have purchased a gift from a wedding list on to the users who created such wedding list.

During your registration process you are given the opportunity to select some of the ways in which we may use your details.

These are the circumstances in which we may share some of your data with others:

  1. When we instruct agents, contractors or third party service providers to provide business operations support (including advertising and marketing advice and support), financial services and technology services. Please note that these third parties are under contract, and our service agreements dictate that they only user your information in connection with the services they perform for us and not for their own benefit.
  2. In the unlikely event that our business assets are ever sold to or purchased by another company (our data records are part of our business). You will receive notice of any such event and we will use our reasonable endeavours to ensure that the new combined entity will follow the practices disclosed in this Privacy Policy.
  3. To outside research companies whom we may ask to contact you directly for your opinions on our service, and our partners' products and services (in which case we provide them with only the information they need to perform their function).
  4. If we are requested by the police or a regulatory or government authority investigating illegal activities to provide information concerning your activities whilst using the network we shall do so.

We may monitor and review communications between you and our partners solely for the purposes of ensuring that your orders are managed appropriately by our partners and our customer service team, and in accordance with the terms and conditions that we have in place with our partners.

The internet is a global network, so it is possible for your data to travel internationally, which may include places outside the European Union. If you visit or shop with Gift Pop, you're agreeing and authorising us to process data in this way.

You acknowledge that the Internet is not a 100% secure medium for communication and, accordingly, we cannot guarantee the security of any information you send to us (or we send to you) via the Internet. We are not responsible for any damages which you, or others, may suffer as a result of the loss of confidentiality of such information.

We take every precaution to protect your information. To this end all personal information stored by us is kept on a server in a secure environment.

Secure Socket Layer ("SSL") encryption technology is used for protection of information in transit for any sensitive transations such as payments.

We do not store or process your card details ourselves, they are processed and stored via one of our contracted third party service provider, Stripe.

Only employees, our partners (such as Squarespace, Stripe and MailChimp) and any third party service providers who need the information to perform a specific job are granted access to personally identifiable information.

If you have elected to store your credit or debit card details with Gift Pop those details will appear automatically on the Payments page when you login and proceed to purchase a product with us. To ensure the security of your credit and debit card details we:

  • mask your credit or debit card number on the Payments page: only the last four digits of your credit or debit card number, the expiry date of that credit or debit card, the name (as it appears on the credit or debit card) and card type will be visible to you on the Payments page. Of course, we use all of your credit or debit card information to process your order but we do not display this information on the Payments page in order to ensure that no-one can accidentally see it.
  • require a CV2 (card security) number: we will ask you to enter your CV2 number and postcode even when using the stored card function.

If you would like to revise the credit and debit card details you have provided to us because you feel that what we currently have on record is incorrect, and/or you would like those details erased from our records, you can do so by contacting us.

Please keep in mind that whenever you voluntarily disclose personal information online in non-protected environments - for example on message boards, through email, or in chat areas - that information can be collected and used by others. In short, if you post personal information online that is accessible to the public, you may receive unsolicited messages from other parties in return. Also remember to close your browser window when you have finished your work. This is to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence if you share a computer with someone else or are using a computer in a public place like a library or Internet café. We cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information you transmit to us, and you do so at your own risk. Once we receive your transmission, we make our best effort to ensure its security on our systems.

If you have questions about your personal data or our privacy policy, or to see all the information we have about you, contact us here:

Also use this to notify us you no longer wish to receive any further email messages, post or other communications from us or you no longer wish to be contacted by other companies who you permitted us to provide your details to.

We reserve the right to change our privacy policy, whilst of course keeping it within all relevant legislation and guidelines. We will do all we can to ensure that these pages show the most up to date information at all times, and may notify you of such changes by uploading the revised privacy policy on the Gift Pop website.

However, we are not responsible and do not warrant or guarantee that the privacy policies, of any partner, the group gifting application provider or any other companies that your personal information is passed to in accordance with this Privacy Policy, comply with data protection legislation. We are not responsible for any damages which you or others may suffer as a result of the loss of confidentiality of such information. When you place an order with any partner of Gift Pop, your personal details that you submit at registration must by necessity be forwarded along with the order, so you will need to verify their privacy policy directly with them if you wish.

By visiting this website with your browser settings adjusted to allow cookies, you are consenting to Gift Pop using cookies for the purposes outlined below in order to provide you with a fully functional shopping experience.

Our cookie policy:

Please note: to make full use of Gift Pop and to benefit from certain personalised features, your computer, tablet or mobile phone will need to be set up to accept cookies. The Gift Pop website and Squarespace that hosts it (like many other shopping websites) may not work when cookies are blocked.

  • Gift Pop uses cookies to provide you with the best user experience possible, without them we wouldn’t be able to do things such as remember your preferences or enable you to store products in your basket. The cookies we use don’t store sensitive information such as your name, address or payment details and they can't harm your computer.
  • The data we collect through these cookies is solely for the purpose of enhancing our website and your browsing experience – it is never used to identify you and we would never share or sell on this data.

Squarespace and Google Analytics use cookies to collect data that helps us understand how people are using the site. We use this information to identify how and where we can improve the customer experience. The data collected through these cookies is anonymous, does not collect specific customer data and is never shared with other third parties.

A cookie is a small text file which is downloaded and stored on your computer or mobile device by websites that you visit.

Your browser accesses the cookie file only when you visit the website that generated it. This helps to ease your navigation by automatically logging you in and remembering things like your preferences and what’s in your shopping basket. Cookies allow sites like to deliver you a personalised shopping experience.

The information stored within any given cookie can only be accessed by the website that created it and cookies are limited to communicating only the information that you have disclosed to the site.

types of cookie:

Session (or Transient) Cookies

Session cookies are stored in your computer's memory for the length of your browsing session. They become inaccessible after the session has been inactive for a time and are automatically deleted from your computer when the browser is closed. They allow you to move from page to page without having to log-in repeatedly. Persistent (or Permanent) Cookies

Persistent Cookies

Persistent cookies are stored in your computer memory and are not deleted when the browser is closed. They are used to keep your preferences for the website, so they will be remembered for next time you visit the website. They are also used to collect information about the numbers of visitors, the average time spent on a particular page and analyse shopping behaviour on the website. This information is used to find out how well the website works and where it can be improved.

Flash Cookies (or Locally Shared Objects)

You probably have Adobe Flash installed on your computer. Websites that contain Flash can also store small files on your computer that are used in the same way as cookies.

Flash cookies can also back up the data that is stored in other cookies. When you delete cookies, your Flash cookies are not affected. So a website may still recognise you if it backed up the deleted cookie information on a Flash cookie.

sharing with social networks

If you use the buttons that allow you to share products and content with your friends via social networks like Twitter and Facebook, these companies may set a cookie on your computer memory. Find out more about these here:

managing cookies:

If cookies aren't enabled on your computer, it will mean that your shopping experience on our website will be limited to browsing and researching; you won't be able to add products to your basket or buy them. To enable and manage cookies, you can use your browser to do this. Each browser is different, so check the 'Help' menu of your particular browser (or your mobile phone's handset manual) to learn how to change your cookie preferences.